Saturday, 23 February 2013

A page from my diary......

I ‘ve got the writer’s block….again…”sigh”
I need happy thoughts to get me started ….. we are having our house painted so everything is a mess and I cant find my happy Snoopy comic. The only thing I managed to dig up in the study was an old diary. Trouble is I only write down in my diary when I am troubled or worried so nothing happy there either. However I found an interesting entry from two years ago thought I might share it…. 

Welcome to the philosopher side of my personality….

Listening to “Marching On” by One Republic right now. I was just thinking about some stuff. I guess it’s all trivial and all but I just wanted to write…its VD again. Ok so I admit it the series does have a certain pull to it (Secrets- One Republic now)…what pulls me is the problems they face and how a simple decision can change everything. I know how people believe that their destiny is all written and there is nothing they can do to change it. Well…. I don’t believe that. Well not the whole of it. Ofcourse I believe in Allah and how nothing can happen without His will. But I also believe that He allows people to make their own decisions. So if you just sit on your laurels saying this happened because it’s all destiny ….you’re wrong…..It means you allowed the event or circumstance to get the better of you control you…so you basically gave yourself up to it whole heartedly.

Plus I was thinking about vampires…well real life vampires… Personally I relate to them exactly how Jermey did. Demons… aka people who are a bad influence… governed by their passions and emotions and evil. There are such people, they exist all around us. Call them what you will but we are surrounded by them. People obsessed with getting their way, not stopping at anything, the lust for power. It’s not like having this power will give them eternal life, ultimately they will die like any other ordinary person. Killing people, torturing them, just to obtain their own ends is just insane, but it will get them a nice cosy spot in hell. They’ll be warm and toasty there…All this power can’t buy them immortality because hey! It’s not up for sale and never will be….
Come to think of it immortality is up for sale but they are looking in the wrong place for it. Immortality not in the sense of living forever….that’s just a figure of speech. Martyrs for instance are immortals. I believe good deeds will help you live forever in the Hearts of others. Isn’t that a better thing? I guess I’m getting all preachy now :)

So that was it….now that I’ve typed it all up, it all sounds very very dry but I think I’ll post it anyway…don’t have anything better…sigh…..


  1. Yeah,i get it. you re a vampire diaries fan?
    the last episode nearly made me cry!!!

  2. Ofcourse!:)
    i think it was the saddest episode in the series so far..... people were dying before..but this was different..
